1135--Alfonso VII of Castile and Leon is crowned Imperator totius Hispaniae in the cathedral of Leon.
1538--Geneva expels John Calvin and his followers from the city. They remove to the city of Strasbourg for the next three years.
1637--The Pequot War. Massachusetts and the Mohegans under captain John Mason attack the Pequots in Connecticutt and kill about 500 of the Pequot.
1647--Alse Young is the first person convicted of withcraft in the North American colonies and is hanged in Hartford, Connecticutt.
1736--The Battle of Ackia. British soldiers and Chickaswa warriors repel a French and Choctaw attack on the village of Ackia, near present-day Tupelo, Mississippi. The French were attempting to link Acadia and Lousiana.
1770--The Orlov Revolt. An attempt by the Greeks to revolt against the Ottoman Turks ends in disaster.
1830--The Indian Removal Act is passed by Congress, and is signed by President Andrew Jackson two days later.
1864--Montana is organized as a territory.
1865--General Edmund Kirby Smith becomes the last Confederate general to surrender to Union forces at Galveston, Texas.
1868--President Andrew Johnson's Impeachment trial ends in a vote of not guilty (by one vote).
1896--Nicholas II Romanov is crowned Czar of All the Russias.
1918--Armenian forces defeat the Ottoman Turks in the Battle of Sardarapat.
1918--The Democratic Republic of Georgia is established.
1938--The House Un-American Activities Committee has its first session.
1940--The Battle of Dunkirk. The evacuation of the British Expeditionary Force and French forces begins.
1969--Apollo 10 returns to earth.
1972--The United States and the Soviet Union sign the ABM Treaty.
1986--The European Community adopts a flag.

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