Obama’s governance is right out of the Communists’ plan to destroy America
By Coach Collins, on November 28th, 2010
By Suzanne Eovaldi, staff writer
The Communist plan of forty five declared goals for taking over America without waging a messy war contains several items that are eerily similar to Barack Obama’s criticism of our U.S. Constitution. Obama has said our sacred Constitution is “fundamentally flawed” because it lacks a mechanism for redistribution of wealth from those who create it to those who merely consume it.
“The Constitution is a charter of negative liberties,” Obama told a Black radio station audience about seven years before he ran for President. Perhaps our President isn’t familiar with the words of William Bradford the leader of Pilgrims.
Bradford characterized redistribution of wealth as a total failure because “men didn’t like having to share the fruits of their hard labor with other men who wouldn’t work.”
The plan for taking over America was read into our Congressional record in 1963 by Florida Democrat A.S. Herlong, Jr. It contains the following points: “Discredit the American Constitution by calling it inadequate, old fashioned, out of step with modern needs.” This chilling goal is so similar to the stated criticism Obama made of our founding document that we need to constantly be aware of how he and his crew are trying to, in his own words, “fundamentally transform America.”
Did he have these Communist goals at the ready when he framed his speech just five days before his victory? A review of what the Communists planned revealed by Herlong, nearly 50 years ago, is frightening because of how much of this insidious plot is coming true. For instance, point 1 5 says, “Capture one or both of the political parties in the U.S.”(no question this one has been met). The next goal says, “Use technical decisions of the courts to weaken basic American institutions by claiming their activities violate civil rights.” Over and over we have seen the will of millions of voters overturned by just one judge.
Again and again we see decisions from un-elected government bureaucrats being allowed to abrogate the wishes of the American people, and what is worse, we are witnessing the acquiescence of our elected officials who are allowing this to happen!
Goal 17 in this scheme calls for the Communists to:
”Get control of the schools. Use them as conduits to force socialism and current communist propaganda into the minds of impressionable children. Soften the curriculum. Get control of teachers’ associations. Put the party line in textbooks.”
In the outstanding documentary “Waiting for Superman,” noted educational reformer Geoffrey Canada asked, “Why is this thing (public school system) an utter failure?” He answered that bad schools make for bad neighborhoods which is the opposite of what we’ve been told many times as “educrats” make us feel guilty about not giving enough money to our schools.
Another great educational reformer Howard Fuller talked about the “Dance of the Lemons” which forces school officials to rehire bad teachers over and over again. Both men stressed the involvement of the NEA and AFT which gave “$55 million to federal candidates, more than any other lobby, and 90% of those teachers’ dollars went to the Democrat party, a wholly owned subsidiary of the teachers’ unions.”
The breakdown of American morality, fostering pornography under the guise of freedom of speech, plus legal initiatives eliminating prayer in our schools are recommended in the Communist plan as is using our legal system’s principle of separation of church and state to consolidate their victories. These things are happening now.
Why are we letting our country be destroyed from within? When will this scheme be revealed for what it is?
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