Politico.com Encourages Obama to Rule by Executive Order
Posted on December 20, 2010 by Ben Johnson
by Ben Johnson
Allegiance to the U.S. Constitution has fallen so far that members of the Establishment media are encouraging Barack Obama to bypass Congress and rule through executive orders. The most recent encouragement came in the form of an article posted today on the inside-the-Beltway website Politico entitled “Obama 2.0: Reinventing a Presidency.” The authors, John F. Harris and James Hohmann, state that negotiating with the new Congress — elected by the largest electoral tidal wave since the 1930s — would prove inconvenient for the president and hamper his left-wing agenda, so he should ignore them and keep giving the American people hope-and-change, good-and-hard.
Harris and Hohmann write, “Six weeks of lame-duck legislating should be more than enough to convince President Barack Obama that two more years of this would be a drag.” Instead, “numerous veterans of previous White Houses and other experts” advise that Obama should be “discarding the Congress-focused strategy of the first two years and coming up with new and more creative ways to exercise power and set the national agenda.” In fact, the authors state, “Republican gains in Congress make it essential for him to use new avenues of power.”
When President Bush refused to remove all combat troops from Iraq after the 2006 midterms, the media insisted he was living “in a bubble,” but when the American heartland calls for less government and more responsibility, executive department diktats become “essential.”
These proposed avenues include executive orders, federal regulations, and “letting conservatives think they have achieved some of what they want.”
The Politico pundits cite their idea of a great example of an executive power grab: Bill Clinton’s executive order nationalizing 1.7 million acres of Utah land with the stroke of a pen. Obama is similarly dedicated to massive land grabs and sea regulations, including a recent proposal to seize 27 million acres in the West.
Another grand idea, according to the “centrist Democratic think tank” Third Way, is to press forward for a bipartisan amnesty plan for illegal aliens. In fact, Obama has instituted a de facto, default stealth amnesty for illegal aliens — suing Arizona, suspending immigration law enforcement, and pushing hard for passage of the DREAM Act. Before the midterm elections, Obama told Univision Radio listeners they must “punish our enemies,” indicating Republicans who stand up for the majority of Americans who oppose amnesty. SEIU International Secretary-Treasurer and honorary chair of the Democratic Socialists of America Eliseo Medina admitted last summer “comprehensive immigration reform” would allow the far-Left to “create a governing coalition for the long-term.” Some bipartisan compromise!
These new, sweeping powers will not benefit Obama alone but all unelected federal regulators in the executive department. Politico suggests federal agencies will begin churning out regulations at a record pace, as this author has forecast. These unelected bureaucrats will have a free hand in regulating industries as they see fit, with little in the way of either Congressional oversight or constitutional authorization.
Today’s article is but the latest incitement for Obama to begin ruling by decree. Curiously, the “grassroots” encouragement for fascism 1) came shortly after an anonymous White House insider told the L.A. Times Obama will rule by executive order in 2011 and 2) are made almost exclusively to organizations funded by George Soros.
Karen Dolan posted an article on the website of the Soros-funded Institute for Policy Studies encouraging IPS members to “push Obama to finally do the right thing through as many Executive Orders as we can present to him.”
The Huffington Post‘s Ben Feller wrote that Obama 2.0 “will use executive authority when blocked by Congress, and steel for scrutiny and investigations if the GOP is in charge.”
The Center for American Progress, begun with Soros money, issued a 54-page report detailing an executive order agenda for Obama beginning next year.
Some left-wing agitators are taking the initiative for the bottom-up component of the revolution themselves. Al Sharpton said he held “a series of meetings” last week with the FCC in the hopes the FCC would kick Rush Limbaugh off the airwaves. “The FCC has the responsibility to set standards — to say the public cannot be offended based on their race or their gender in this country,” he whined. Later, Sharpton told MSNBC’s Ed Schultz he would “push for public hearings” at “the beginning of the year,” forcing Limbaugh to prove he is not a racist or face censure by the feds.
(Story continues after this video.)
Should Al Sharpton determine who has the right to speak on TV?
If the Politico article is not breaking new territory in its content, it is significant for another reason: it is the first mainstream media outlet to make the case that the president can and should ignore the will of the American people. Politico is no extremist left-wing group like IPS or openly committed to “progressive” politics like CAP or HuffPo. It is considered a reputable news source by…well, the same people who consider network news reputable news sources. This article is an indication the mainstream media will spend the next two years covering for Obama’s power grab and explaining to flyover country why his anti-democratic actions are in Americans’ best interests.
Americans who want the facts cannot look to the liberal media. They will have to cultivate alternative news sources, like talk radio.
And this website.
Readers of this website will not be surprised by Obama’s lust for power nor his media allies’ cheerleading efforts. This author was the first to reveal the Obama administration’s power grab in an article posted on this website in early October. (See this article and this article.) We will remain on the case, exposing his machinations and the mass media’s distortions, until he is voted out of office or removed from power.
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