BREAKING NEWS: Is Our Government Rewriting History?
Posted on July 12, 2011 by Victoria Jackson
Is our Government Re-writing History?
During the Capital Building tour, our elderly doyen rattled off a lot of facts about the sculpture and paintings in the beautiful rotunda. He “forgot” to mention two of the eight paintings displayed in front of us. He “forgot” to mention, ”Exportation of the Pilgrims,” so I asked him about it. I asked him if the Bible was the book in the painting. He said yes and that he would “get back to it.” He never did.
Embarkation of the Pilgrims by Robert W. Weir
(The painting shows William Brewster, holding the Bible, and pastor John Robinson leading Governor Carver, William Bradford, Miles Standish, and their families in prayer.)
"We'll come back to that..."
He quickly mentioned the other omitted one, “The Baptism of Pocahontas” by John Gadsby Chapman and moved on. The other six paintings were thoroughly described.
We later confronted the doyen and asked him why he had omitted Christian references from the tour. He mumbled something about being in seminary, looked at the ground and walked away.
Washington Monument
The Park Rangers told us to divide up into groups of eight. They told us where to wait for the elevator. The stairs where you can see Bible verses carved into the stone blocks are not open to the public anymore. The rangers rattled off many facts about how tall and wide the monument was, what the stones were made of and why they were different colors, but nothing about George Washington, for whom the edifice was erected, and no mention of the Bible verses that we are not able to see anymore; the stone blocks that we cannot see say; “Holiness to the Lord” (Exodus 28), “Search the Scriptures” (John 5:39), “The memory of the just is blessed” (Proverbs 10:7) — and such invocations as, “May Heaven to this Union continue its Benefice.”
There were 3 things I wanted to learn. I got an email a year ago about the Latin phrase “Laus Deo” that was supposedly engraved on top of the Washington Monument. I wanted to know if that was true. I also wanted to know if it was true that George Washington’s Bible, a newspaper, some money of the time, and the Constitution were buried in the cornerstone of the monument. Nick, our paid bus tour guide had told us this information. I also wanted to see for myself if D.C. tour guides were purposefully erasing our Christian heritage, if history was being rewritten.
(This montage is slightly out of order. The blonde ranger is seen here for the first time commenting on our earlier encounter which you see right after). My Flip Camera ran out of time (60 minute limit) right when the blonde ranger started to talk to me the second time. I grabbed my cameraperson, Jan, “Do you have your camera? Get it out! Get it out!” By the time she got it out of its case and hooked up the mike wire, etc., the blonde ranger had finished telling us -
“We’re told to be neutral. If I mention God, I have to mention Allah, Mohammed, Buddha…”
I regaled, “What does Allah have to do with historical fact?! “Laus Deo” is either there or it’s not! It’s history! Fact! It has nothing to do with religious tolerance!” I was waiting for someone to say that stupid phrase “separation of church and state” because I’d just read a David Barton book explaining how that phrase is not in any of our documents, but was plucked from a private Jefferson letter to the Connecticut Baptists assuring them that the new government would not prevent them from preaching the gospel. I wanted to show off my new knowledge. To my surprise the Park Rangers did not use that ACLU phrase – they just “played dumb.”
I was getting very angry and not at the rangers but at Jan, my video cameraperson who was still fiddling with the video camera. I was furious at myself for not bringing an extra Flip camera or at least learning to work her camera. I wanted to yank it out of her hands.
Citizen Journalism is hard work. It is a necessity now that the media is propaganda. You and me are the journalists. We have cameras, eyes, and ears. We will record the truth because NBC, CBS, ABC, and especially CNN, HLN and MSNBC are not telling the truth. Every stranger I interviewed agreed to that. (montage to come)
So, we took the elevator back down and I asked to speak with the “boss” of the Park Rangers. As I was pushed aside to a holding area to make room for the tourists rushing in, I again urged Jan to get her camera ready. She was fiddling with the wires and the fancy microphone that slides on top. Finally, an intense red-faced man in a ranger uniform and hat with a pony tail sticking out approached me and started to shout at me for about 15 minutes. I asked him why none of his rangers could answer my simple questions about the buried Bible and the engraved, aluminum cap stone. He changed the subject several times, going off on nonsensical tangents. He then said his employees were new and didn’t know all the facts. I brought up the 25 year ranger.
Boss replied, “The people who work here aren’t the brightest bulb in the drawer,” something to that effect.
I insisted, “But…the information is right there, why can’t they say it?”
Boss shouted, “Are you saying you don’t trust the government?!”
“Yes!” I shouted back. “I don’t trust the government!” They are re-writing history like George Orwell predicted in his book “1984!”
He didn’t get the reference.
I sighed, “Why don’t you instruct them to say, ‘I’m sorry ma’am, I’m not allowed to answer that question’ – at least, that would be honest.” (Be honest about your dishonesty.)
Knowing I was spent, his voice calmed a bit and he said, “Is that what you want us to say?”
I mumbled “yes”. I was sad. My suspicions were true. Whether or not I got the video to prove it, my America is being destroyed from within.
As Jan and I briskly walked away, knowing our tour group was mad at us for lagging behind, again, I desperately inquired, “You got it, I hope. Did you get it? Oh my goodness, I hope you got that…” Jan said, “I couldn’t hear it.”
“What?!” My face twisted into rage. I took the camera out of her hands and stuttered, “Hhh…hhow do you rewind?”
Long story short, she did get it, although the microphone cord was plugged into the wrong hole, the camera’s built in mike got it, however, desperate rewinding and forgetting to take the tape out….it was taped over. Yeah. I’ll never be a Breitbart.
“Stuff” happens.
Yes, we are still friends. I held in my anger for five hours. I did not cuss. I did not swear. I was on a bus full of Christians. I could not pray, I was too mad. By evening, I told myself that life would go on and that next time I was a citizen journalist I would bring an expert cameraperson, or just do it myself.
Where’s James O’Keefe and Hannah Giles when you need them? Hey, their cameraman was so good Hannah married him! For real!
*To comment to the National Park Service, you can e-mail the NPS or the White House, or write: Director, National Park Service, Department of the Interior, 1849 C Street, N.W., Washington, DC 20240.
For extra reading on “Laus Deo” at Free Republic
A prayer of George Washington:
“Almighty God; We make our earnest prayer that Thou wilt keep the United States in Thy holy protection; that Thou wilt incline the hearts of the citizens to cultivate a spirit of subordination and obedience to government; and entertain a brotherly affection and love for one another and for their fellow citizens of the United states at large. And finally that Thou wilt most graciously be pleased to dispose us all to do justice, to love mercy, and to demean ourselves with that charity, humility, and pacific temper of mind which were the characteristics of the Divine Author of our blessed religion, and without a humble imitation of whose example in these things we can never hope to be a happy nation. Grant our supplication, we beseech Thee, through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.”
Unless the Lord watches over the city, the watchmen stand guard in vain. (Psalm 127: 1)
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